
Here you can find the slides used in the lectures. They are provided in three formats: PDF (for printing), HTML (for viewing online, with animations) and the source R presentation files (so you can see how all the graphics were produced).


Lecture name PDF HTML Rpres
Welcome PDF HTML Rpres
Introduction to distance sampling PDF HTML Rpres
Advanced distance sampling PDF HTML Rpres
What is a density surface model? PDF HTML Rpres
Generalized Additive Models PDF HTML Rpres
Adding covariates to density surface models PDF (none) (none)
Multivariate smoothing, model selection PDF HTML Rpres
Making predictions PDF HTML Rpres
Estimating variance PDF HTML Rpres
Practical advice PDF HTML Rpres
Advanced topics PDF HTML Rpres
Extrapolating (Laura Mannocci) PDF (none) (none)


Lecture name PDF HTML Rpres
Software setup PDF (none) (none)
Lab 1 PDF (none) (none)

Building the slides yourself

You’ll need some extra R packages to get the code in the presentations to run. Issuing the following command should ensure that they work.

install.packages(c("Distance", "RColorBrewer", "animation", "dsm", "ggplot2",
                   "gridExtra", "knitr", "magrittr", "mgcv", "numDeriv",
                   "plyr", "raster", "reshape2", "rgdal", "statmod", "tweedie",
                   "viridis", "htmltools", "caTools", "bitops", "rmarkdown",

Data used in the slides is in the spermwhale-analysis directory of this github repository. It may well be easier to download all files in the repository (use the “Download ZIP” button in the right hand side) if you wish to rebuild the slides from scratch (using RStudio).