More sophisticated analysis tools

Chapter 5 Stratification, clusters and covariates

In this chapter we introduce more challenging designs and analyses. The study area may be subdivided into smaller regions (strata) and density/abundance estimated within each strata. Animals may be detected in groups (clusters). In this situation, cluster density is estimated and individual density is derived by multiplying by expected group size. However estimating expected group size requires some careful analysis. Lastly, we can incorporate the effect of factors that might affect detectability into our estimated detection function.

Variance estimation with systematic survey designs
Estimating variance under systematic survey designs
Stratification exercise
Bias associated with group size estimation
Bias in group size exercise
Covariates in the detection function
Complications in detection function models with covariates
Covariate detection function exercise

Lecture 1 - assessing model performance


Exercise 1 - model selection with ducknest data


Solution to Exercise 1 - model selection with ducknest data


Lecture 2 - assessing model performance


Exercise 2 - model selection with ducknest data


Solution to Exercise 2 - model selection with ducknest data


Lecture 3 - assessing model performance


Exercise 3 - model selection with ducknest data


Solution to Exercise 3 - model selection with ducknest data


Lecture 4 - assessing model performance


Lecture 5 - assessing model performance


Exercise 4 - model selection with ducknest data


Solution to Exercise 4 - model selection with ducknest data


Dialogue & Discussion